In order to best serve our carpet cleaning clients we have prepared a "prepare for our arrival list". This list comprises of what is expected from you in order to facilitate the cleaning of your carpeted areas.



Parking here?


   Please ensure that parking would be available for us in front of your home/property or by the drive way. Which ever is closest to the entrance.

 This would make it possible for us to safely move our machines and tools into the home /property before we can start cleaning.





           Its important to work in a safe environment. For safety and liability reasons, people and pets must stay clear of areas being cleaned.

In order to prevent slips or falls its important to stay off the wet carpet until its dry.


Furry Friends

Please secure pets upon our arrival to an area that will not be in need of cleaning. For safety and liability reasons, cats and dogs must not have access to the areas being cleaned.




It is important that your carpets be vacuumed before we arrive. To get the most benefit from the service.

This step helps eliminate most visible soil, at the same time lifting up the piles to enable better and more efficient carpet cleaning process.



Please make sure all areas of the carpet that you intend to have cleaned be free of furniture, small items and or breakables from the areas.

It isn't necessary to have all your furniture moved. Items such as large tables have enough space underneath them making it accessible. However, if for any reason you would like to have under the sofa, under the beds, living room cabinet cleaned, please ensure the furniture is moved to an area that cleaning wouldn't be required.



Payment is due at the time of cleaning.


Have a question or concern. Please don't hesitate to give us a call on 587 600 1012 or send us an email