Residential Cleaning Services

The first step to having great residential cleaning, is to know what you want, and how you would like to achieve this. While we are always available to help guide you, ultimately communication is key. Areas of the home your most concerned with might differ from one home to another.

        Knowing your home and family, would make it easier for you to make the right choice of service. Having someone who is sensitive to some smells or maybe they react badly to some cleaning products your best alternative in this case would be Green Cleaning. Where cleaning is done with only eco- friendly products, like Norwex for example. Or if you have noticed too much of build up in showers, more stains and residues on wall, doors. The prints left on windows or sliding glass, by children or pets. In such cases sometimes it might be proper to have a deep cleaning done.


MGOcleans Clean-list

MGOcleans Cleanlist

A detailed list of areas of the house to be cleaned. Please click above to veiw

